Kendra Scott Opens Boutique at Maryland Plaza

By Alecia Humphreys – Ladue News – December 5, 2019

“We always look for new locations that will not only service our customers but also fit well with our brand,” says Anna Keenan, Kendra Scott marketing and philanthropic manager. “We have been watching the amazing growth in Central West End, and the location was perfect for our Illinois customers. Not to mention, the Central West End community has such a tightknit family feel that aligns so well with our Kendra Scott brand.”

The Kendra Scott customer has her finger on the pulse of the latest fashion trends, has a heart that beats for her community and isn’t afraid to stand out in a crowd. And now this lover of colorful, sparkly, quality jewelry can find the Kendra Scott pieces she adores in St. Louis’ Central West End neighborhood!

“These pillars have been our North Star through every phase of the business, and our continued focus on these three pillars has led us to where we are today,” Keenan says. “At Kendra Scott, we create more than beautiful jewelry. We create joy – by treating our customers and employees like family, by focusing on products that make people happy and by being committed to positive, impactful causes.” Causes, according to Keenan, that are both national and local.

“On a national level, we support organizations that actively improve lives, advance knowledge and unlock opportunity,” she says. “The brand supports these philanthropic efforts by funding grants, volunteering time and hosting or sponsoring events. Locally, we give through the Kendra Gives Back program, which allows community members to host in-store events for important causes, with 20 percent of the proceeds donated directly to the benefiting cause.”

According to Keenan, the company has given back more than $30 million to local, national and international causes; in 2018 alone, it gave more than $5 million in monetary donations, almost

$10 million in in-kind donations and more than 2,000 volunteer hours to philanthropic organizations and partnerships with more than 8,000 philanthropic organizations nationwide. Specific to the metro area, though, with the first Kendra Scott having opened in Plaza Frontenac four years ago, Keenan says more than $500,000 has been given back locally through the Kendra Gives Back initiative (not including donated jewelry).

“Central West End will provide a second location for hosting Kendra Gives Back events to amplify our philanthropic efforts in the St. Louis community,” Keenan says. “Our mantra is ‘We always have something to give,’ so we work with both local and national organizations to aid in fundraising and donation efforts.”

The Central West End location, at 32 Maryland Plaza, will look like most Kendra Scott stores – what Keenan describes as an aesthetic thoughtfully designed to reflect Scott’s personal design taste. However, its footprint will be larger than Frontenac’s, measuring approximately 1,200 square feet of space. Keenan says the extra space allows room for what’s been dubbed The Color Bar, which she says is a “destination for creating custom jewelry” that has expanded to offer bridal, home décor, charms and more. The grander grid also incorporates space for an exclusive gift-wrapping room – perfect for the approaching season.

As for the future, Keenan says there are high hopes to have the brand continue to grow across the country and around the world.

First posted in Uncategorized | Thursday, December 3, 2019